
STAR EAGLES by Ganesha Games

Created by Ganesha Games

Star Eagles is a science fiction action game of futuristic space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets. The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich with many options that provide variety without bogging down the pace. Players build their squadron from a variety of small craft ranging from nimble, yet fragile, light fighters all the way up to larger gunboats and corvettes. Although Star Eagles may be used to play one-off missions, the game is intended to be played as a campaign where your pilots gain experience and you manage your squadron's resources over a series of linked scenarios.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfilment Update
about 6 years ago – Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 12:28:23 PM

I am happy to report that I have received a production update and more precise timing related to project fulfillment. I know many of you have concerns because of the delay in the project,  so hopefully this update will help alleviate some anxiety. I also realize we are a bit slow in providing updates on fulfilment. This has primarily been to ensure that the information we are providing is reliable and we will not continue to miss our commitments. I feel comfortable we are now at a point where we can start sending weekly updates. 

Miniature Production 

Production is still in full swing and is expected to be concluded around the middle of September, with fulfilment starting shortly after.  Admittedly, it has required more manpower than originally anticipated. This has primarily been due to the resin production, which was slower and more complicated than anticipated. In total, we are producing 3,108 resin ships and 2,758 metal ships, a total of 5,866 miniatures.  Below are some pictures of the Metal Arrow fighter and Resin Cobra fighter so you can be assured miniatures do indeed exist and I will continue to show these miniatures over the coming weeks. Next week I will be able to show you the S'sekai Hydra.  Alternative Armies is fulfilling all KS backers and making all ships and flight stands. 

Warbler: This cool ship will be added to every package sent out to backers by Alternative Armies as a gift from them! We will also include stats for it in the latest rulebook revision.

Cobra: Alpha Cobra light fighters  in resin 

Arrow Light Fighter in white metal 

Books and Cards

Andrea is going back through the rulebook to do some further revisions and clarifications based on feedback we have received from backers since the last release. It only takes about two weeks to print the books and cards, so we are using all the time we have while waiting for the miniatures to try and get the book and printed material as refined as possible. We will be sending out another updated PDF later this week or early next week.  

Templates and tokens

The Templates and tokens are being produced in colored Acrylic by LITKO. I am hoping to have a sample set that I can show off in a few weeks. These templates will be much nicer than the card templates we originally planned and hopefully will be some small consolation for the delays as I am bearing all the cost of this upgrade personally.

 STL and 3D print files

For those of you who have backed for the STL files for 3D printing, there are a few ships missing from those uploaded to backerkit. I hope to have those missing files up ASAP as well as some additional designs of ships we were considering to produce, but did not. Hopefully these extra ships will find some use in your games. 

Thanks again for you're continued patience and we should be heading to the final stretch over the next couple of months.  

Try Star Eagles over the 4th of July
about 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 12:36:56 AM

While waiting for your official Star Eagles Miniatures to arrive, perhaps you may already have what you need to give the rules a try. Do you have some little miniature spaceships from a Galaxy Far, Far, Away? Perhaps you are also Interested to play STAR EAGLES but don’t feel like reading through the whole rulebook now? 

If the answer to those question is ‘Yes’, then jump over to the Star Eagles Facebook Page and download the free STAR EAGLES Basic Gameplay Outline document. This presents the basics of the Star Eagles rules in a more linear and ‘flow chart’ type approach.

In the files section, you will also find the free download to the STAR EAGLES GUIDE to the GALACTIC CIVIL WAR. This file has Star Eagle stats for that popular event that took place in a galaxy, far away. So now its time to break out those dusty plastic, resin, and metal ships from 'a long time ago' and let them loose on your table once again.

This is a great way to try the game engine and give us some additional feedback before we lock down the book for printing.

I will also be uploading these files to BackerKit soon for those who don't use Facebook.

Thanks again for your patients and support for star Eagles.

profile cards PDF
about 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 09:27:34 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Updated PDF of rules
about 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 01:36:02 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

updated PDF of combat cards
about 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 01:35:10 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.