
STAR EAGLES by Ganesha Games

Created by Ganesha Games

Star Eagles is a science fiction action game of futuristic space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets. The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich with many options that provide variety without bogging down the pace. Players build their squadron from a variety of small craft ranging from nimble, yet fragile, light fighters all the way up to larger gunboats and corvettes. Although Star Eagles may be used to play one-off missions, the game is intended to be played as a campaign where your pilots gain experience and you manage your squadron's resources over a series of linked scenarios.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Card art update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 11:15:47 AM

Hi backers,

Our talented artist Aimee Chow has just sent in some examples of digitally painted ships. This art will be added in the PDF/book and used on the reference cards.

AI Assault Drone
AI Assault Drone
AI Tactical Drone
AI Tactical Drone

 We will share some final card samples soon


Andrea and Damon

Space Mat artwork done
over 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 04:06:23 PM

Hi backers, 

this is the artwork for the space mat. It's a huge file. I'll be sending it to the printer in a while. Hope you like it!


space mat preview
space mat preview

Production update
over 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 09:28:53 AM

Hi backers,

we don't have a set date for shipping yet, but:

Gavin of Alternative Armies (who takes care of casting and shipping) will receive one last model later this week, and will then be able to commit to a shipping schedule. Our guess is we commence shipping in mid May, but until Gavin has seen the last master, it is only a guess.

Damon, at the end of the week, will send Andrea some clarifying photos and rules additions/clarifications that have been requested, so Andrea will be able to finish the PDF in a couple of days. This will be sent immediately and a high resolution version uploaded to the printer. The books will take about 8-10 days to be printed, then they will be shipped to Gavin in Scotland (another 10+ days).

We will be using the 3d models to illustrate the ship cards so they can go to print soon.

Andrea is also painting the space mat, and it should be done in a couple of days (we will send an update showing it when it's done).

That's all for the moment. We're getting there!

Andrea and Damon

Production Update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 05:21:47 PM

Here is a quick update on the status of the Star Eagles project.  I know we are quite a bit behind schedule, please accept my apologies for the delay.  One of the largest delays to the project was a significant revision of the rules to use a new movement templates and a dice pool based combat system rather than the original single dice roll.  For those who have been following the rules development, you will have notice these changes when you received that last PDF update.   I feel both of these change enhances the gameplay over the original, but they required a lot of additional playtesting.  The good news is we are in the final stretch and it is mostly a matter of waiting for the remaining miniatures to be produced.   

Miniature Update

We are currently about halfway through production of the miniatures. All of the metal ships and most of the light and medium resin ships are ready. Still pending are the heavy fighters and gunboats. Once these are complete, we will be ready to start shipping orders. Scroll down to see some of the production photos of the miniatures.

Final Rule Book

We are still working on additional clarifications and diagrams showing how the movement template and range sticks are used. We also need to include some missing point values in the Ship Builder section. We will publish the final version of the rules for further review  before printing. Given we still have to wait for the remaining miniatures and It only takes about 10 days to print the book, we are holding off on this as long as possible to make sure we get as much feedback as possible before locking it down.

Digital Rewards

If you pledged for the 3d printable STL files, you should have received a notifiaction that the ConStar Colonial ship are now available to download from BackerKit.  We also have a set of bonus STL ships that will be made available later this week as well.

Below are some pictures of both metal and resin production miniatures.

 S'Sekai Production Resin


 S'Sekai Resin and Metal Fighters

 Con Star Metal and Resin Fighters


 Colonial Fighters, Seti Lightning, Alpha Dart, Alpha Cobra

 A Seti Lightning Production model

 AI Recon Drone showing how the maneuver and damage dice lock into the base.  

Final Rules!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 09:16:19 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.