Star Eagles is a science fiction action game of futuristic space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets. The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich with many options that provide variety without bogging down the pace. Players build their squadron from a variety of small craft ranging from nimble, yet fragile, light fighters all the way up to larger gunboats and corvettes. Although Star Eagles may be used to play one-off missions, the game is intended to be played as a campaign where your pilots gain experience and you manage your squadron's resources over a series of linked scenarios.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Sample pages from the book
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 12:22:24 AM
Hi backers,
as promised, here are a few work-in-progress pages from the Star Eagles book.
As soon as we have all material together (Damon is still working on the background and scenario sections) we will send the PDF so you can play and ask for clarifications (or catch typos!) if necessary.
Please let us know what you think. Thanks!
Andrea and Damon
Layout of the rules begins
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 05:36:01 PM
Hi backers,
A quick note to tell you that Damon has sent me the current, revised version of the rules. He is still working on some chapters, but I am beginning to do the book's final layout. In a few days, as soon as we take some photos of the models, I will have a few sample pages to show. Once we have the full book formatted we will share it with you for comments and final clarifications.
Star Eagles at Millennium Con
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 02:42:47 PM
Hi backers,
backer Michael Wikan is running a large table of Star Eagles at Millennium Con today. Here are some pics from the previous day. As you can see, he is using his own models and a hex-mat (SE does not use hexes). Mike is also posting his impressions about the game on the Star Eagles Facebook group.
Here is a post from Mike:
"Post-game analysis. Game was very large (1250 kilrathi vs 1500 Confederation). We had 7 players spread across the two teams.
Everyone was a newbie except Francisco, who is a Ganesha system fan, so he knew what to expect.
By turn 3 virtually everyone had a good feel for the game and had no issues, weaving through the asteroids, locking missiles, and closing for gun kills. I have some questions on how you target ion missiles on "areas" since you have nothing to do a roll-off against. Do you simply detonate at the point and seperately roll against every ship in the zone?
Ships move MUCH faster than I expected.
LOVE the initiative passing back and forth. Great mechanic. Cards are deadly. We had several very cinematic moments, including several head-on high-speed gun passes.
Love, love, love the game. My new go-to space fighter game. Much better than X-wing I think.
Tomorrow is the Last Starfighter game. Will post more then."
lucca tests
almost 7 years ago
– Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 12:24:22 PM
I have been running some side demos of star Eagles since there have been more players interested than official demo slots at Lucca. It has provided me with good feedback from casual players that has helped me streamline the system a bit more.
Hi backers,
I am going to try and finish up the latest rule updates on my long flight back to Asia on Monday so I can pass it on to Andrea for page setting and layout.
The new mechanics speed up the game significantly, alter the initiative system, and simplify movement by using a single universal movement template rather than the previous movement templates.
More news soon!
we are set up at Lucca Games
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 06:12:57 AM
Hello backers,
Damon is just setting up our demo table at Lucca comics and games. This is Europe's largest convention and give some exposure to the rules and give us a chance to test them with the general public.
More about this in the next few days!
Damon will be in Italy until the 6th. By the end of the month we will have an updated version of the rules based on demo comments available for download and more updates in the general production.