Star Eagles is a science fiction action game of futuristic space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets. The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich with many options that provide variety without bogging down the pace. Players build their squadron from a variety of small craft ranging from nimble, yet fragile, light fighters all the way up to larger gunboats and corvettes. Although Star Eagles may be used to play one-off missions, the game is intended to be played as a campaign where your pilots gain experience and you manage your squadron's resources over a series of linked scenarios.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Overdue Status Update
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 12:51:21 AM
Sorry for the slow rate of updates. I know it has been frustrating for you all
waiting for some news on the project.
Not wanting to make excuses, but my day job decided I was not working
hard enough and has been sending me all over Asia for the past few months to
deal with manufacturing problems. Things have final returned to normal and I
can get back to focusing on finishing this project. Normaly I am very responsive on my KS projects and I am sorry for the lack of more frequent updates.
Production of the minis will begin this
month, I have finalized the scaling of most of the ships and will be sending
them off for production later this week. Based on where I am now, I expect the revised
timeline is to have the KS shipping in later part of December.
I am also working with Litko to have the move
templates and counters made of Acrylic rather than cardboard. This will be a
perk for the delay in the project. Hopefully can show off some of these in a few
In regards to the rules, I have received a
lot of playtest comments and it seems the inititaive aspect of the game is
causing a lot of confusion. I have been
rework the initiative mechanics to enhance the flow of the game and make it
easier to understand. I estimate I need
about another two weeks to finish the rules and then I’ll be ready to release
the most current version for all to see.
I will then wait for another round of feedback before passing it off to
Andrea for formatting. I think the revisions improve the game a lot
and make it evn better than before. The feeling of a dogfight will be even more
Thanks again for the patience and expects
more frequent updates from here on out. Here are a few quick prints to show the
relative size of some of the AI and colonial ships.
Update/meet Damon at Lucca Games
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 11:05:18 AM
Hi backers,
Damon has been terribly busy with his day job, and the situation will continue until this weekend. After that, he will be able to check some numbers and dates and give an update on the production schedule.
Meanwhile, we can announce that Damon will be hosting daily Star Eagles demo games at Lucca Comics and Games in the first week of November. This is part of a series of "Play a game with its author" demos.
Lucca Games (in Lucca, Italy) is the largest convention in continental Europe and one of the largest pop-culture events in the world. Last year the convention sold over 271.000 tickets in a five-day period.
Demoing the game at Lucca will give it additional exposure. If you visit Lucca, look for Damon in the demo game area and for Andrea and Massimo in the Wargaming Island area (there will be non-stop demo tables for Armies and Hordes, Palaeo Diet, and more).
Pledge Manager invitations have been sent
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:55:33 AM
The time has finally come, the pledge manager has been
released. All backers should now have
received their invitation to the pledge manager.
The cut off date for the pledge manager is WEDNESDAY,
AUGUST 17th. This gives
everybody about 3 weeks to confirm their pledge. If you do not intend to make changes to
your pledge, it should only take a few minutes to click through and confirm. It is important that we close the pledge
manager quickly as this will provide us with the information we need to begin
manufacturing of the components and get the game to our backers ASAP.
We will be releasing an update playtest ruleset over the next few weeks as well as the 3D print files for those who pledged for them. This means those that have 3d printers can start printing out some ships and give the game a try at home.
Our Friends at Alternative armies have designed a new space
ship for STAR EAGLES that you may acquire via the pledge manager. It is the CONSTAR Warbler shuttle and we will
include rules and a datacard for it in the game as well as special missions
that use the ship.
Survey Update
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 07:07:57 PM
Hi everyone,
Just a quick update to inform you I am still testing the pledge manager and finding glitches in the survey where certain items are not showing up. Specifically, the AI squadron is not showing up in the options. It is about 95% there and once I have sorted out this one last final glitch, we should be ready to go.
I also plan to release and updated playtest rules with clarifications from several play testers as well as an updated ship builder by the end of the month. By then the .STL files of the ships will be available for those who have them in their pledge.
Many apologies for the slow updates, unfortunately, my 'Day Job' has had me traveling quite a bit the past few months, but progress is certainly continuing.
Thanks, Damon
Updates on pledge manager
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 01:29:33 AM
Hi backers,
sorry for the long silence. The reason is simply that Damon has been travelling around the world a lot (for his day job -- he is a chemical engineer and a manager when he's not playing spaceship battles). He is currently in Bangkok and is a bit swamped with work. Here is an update on the Star Eagles project:
Pledge manager is done. Damon will hopefully manage to test it tonight and it should go out to you guys on Thursday.
STL files will be released with the pledge manager, so you will be able to start printing your own fleet.
It will take about two weeks to collect all the data. This is based on our experience on previous Kickstarter projects -- there is always someone who misses the email, has changed email address, etc. You will be able to add more stuff through the pledge manager. Even if you pledged for a digital only reward, you will be able to add physical rewards.
The rulebook text will be finished by the end of July, then I (Andrea) will need about a week to do the layout and the book will go to a proofreader for the final edits (a process that will likely take another 4-5 days).
Production of physical rewards (markers, miniatures) will begin in early August.