
STAR EAGLES by Ganesha Games

Created by Ganesha Games

Star Eagles is a science fiction action game of futuristic space fighter combat that allows you to play out the battles from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. In a standard game, each player controls a squadron of 4-12 ships competing in exciting, objective-based missions in space, on moons, and in the atmosphere of planets. The game is easy to learn, yet tactically rich with many options that provide variety without bogging down the pace. Players build their squadron from a variety of small craft ranging from nimble, yet fragile, light fighters all the way up to larger gunboats and corvettes. Although Star Eagles may be used to play one-off missions, the game is intended to be played as a campaign where your pilots gain experience and you manage your squadron's resources over a series of linked scenarios.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Playtest Rules Update
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 12:31:26 PM

I have been working on getting a playtest version of the rules out to all of the backers.  I had anticipated I would be able to send it out this weekend, but I was changing the format the rules are presented and it has been taking a lot more time to prepare than I anticipated.  The good news, is the playtest draft is almost ready and will be available in a few days.   I do hope some of you will give them a try.

In the mean time, we have posted a unit builder spreadsheet of Facebook if you are interested in trying to see what it's like to build your own ships.  You can get it here;

Thank You
about 7 years ago – Sat, May 06, 2017 at 07:27:51 AM

Thank you everyone for making STAR EAGLES a success. I was very surprised at the amount of last minute support for the game.

I am excited to start getting the rules into peoples hands so you can give the game a try.  I am targeting to send out a playtest version of the rules within the next two weeks so all the backers can begin experimenting with the rules and provide feedback before we lock down and begin to format and print. I will also be providing some free PDF stats of various popular media ships from several sources for you to use with the playtest rules. This will give you a chance to try the rules with any ships you may already have laying around.

We are targeting to have the pledge manager ready 3-4 weeks from now. The pledge manager will be open for about three weeks. Once we have collected all of the pledge data, we will begin the process of manufacturing the miniatures as we need to know the total quantity to start production. The STL files will be delivered through the pledge manager and will be available to download after the pledge manager closes.

If you would like to get more frequent updates about STAR EAGLES, I would suggest you join the STAR EAGLE Facebook forum;

You can also check out all the other great games Ganesha publishes at

Thanks again! Damon and Andrea, Ganesha Games

STAR EAGLES extended combat video
about 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 07:57:59 PM

I apologize for taking a bit longer to complete the combat demo video.  Unfortunately, I have been down with the flu for the past week, but managed to speak legibly enough to finally get the video completed.  

Over the weekend I will be doing a final video that goes through an entire game turn.    I also hope to have the ship builder spreadsheet read so you can get a taste of how you can build your own ships for the game.

So without further delay, here is 20 min of STAR EAGLE combat explained.



Another look at Scale Comparison
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 08:12:10 PM

Some people have requested some further scale comparisons to other commercially available space fighter miniatures.  The photo below shows the relative size of Star Eagles miniatures compared to X-Wing by Fantasy Flight games, Silent Death by I.C.E., and War Rocket by Hydra Miniatures.

Scale comparison
Scale comparison

In the next couple of days, I will also be posting some video on how to play Star Eagles.

Thank you for supporting STAR EAGLES!

STAR EAGLE featured on skirmish supremacy Podcast
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 08:12:07 PM

If you’re interested to hear more about the design of STAR EAGLES, Ganesha games has been featured on the Skirmish Supremacy Podcast where we spend one hour talking only Star Eagles. 

They were having some technical difficulties in the beginning, but a good listen if you have the time.